Showing posts with label Virginia Gentleman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia Gentleman. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Family that Races Together....

by Glenn N. Holliman

Zero to 150 MPH in 4.6 seconds!

How often does a brother-in-law of a cousin invite you to share a Crown Cola, Shenandoah Valley style?  Dennis Jackson offered me a beverage at his place after visiting Cousin Rhodes Holliman a week or so ago.  Not able to say no to a libation from an accomplished raconteur such as Dennis, I said yes.  He had intrigued me by saying he did drag racing for a hobby.  Knowing absolutely nothing about automobile racing whether it be the Indy 500, NASCAR or bumper cars at the county fair, I took him up on his suggestion that we tour his 'shop'.

Below, the author in red and Dennis holding a jar of pickles.  Yes, Dennis makes pickles and salsa, drives fast cars, has sung in the church choir, gardens, built his first house and many others, grew beef cattle, farmed, hunts elk and deer, and owned the Elk Creek drag strip in Grayson County, Virginia.   And he is a darn good father and grandfather, and still has the same wife after about 45 or so years of marriage. 

 Above, Dennis Jackson also has a room full of drag racing trophies, another room of stored trophies and two rooms crowded with the heads of deer and elk he has dispatched in his life time.  And one can check out his super sized garage (actually a huge assembly building for his race cars, machinery, tools, tires and a massive combination R.V. and double automobile trailer). 

Where does one begin to describe the life of a man such as Dennis, resident of a farming cove nestled in the Shenandoah Mountains of southwestern Virginia? 

Oh yes, the family that races together....check out to view the incredible 49 year racing career of Dennis and the 28 years of his son, Rusty.  A grandson, Drew, 11 years old, is now piloting his own junior racer!  Below, Rusty Jackson tunes up a Virginia Gentleman!

Three families share the same valley not far off I-81 - Dennis and Janet, and son Rusty and his family, and daughter Missie and her family.  Yes, two of Rusty's daughters, now grown, have raced also!  Below his bride, Janet, doubles as crew chief for both husband and son, and soon grandson, one suspects. 
Now drag racing is not without some danger. Dennis has wrecked twice, once flipping a Corvette over 5 times and breaking five ribs (one for each roll evidently) and Rusty has taken a tumble once. Not many people can tune an engine and then drive a car to go from zero to 150 mph in 4.6 seconds and cover 1/8th of a mile!

Below, Dennis in his office with family pictures in the background.

Above, the massive trailer that holds two cars, a motorcycle, an apartment and a driving cab. Yes, it has a shower and bath. Indeed home on the road with the Jackson family! Let's see, the family that races together....

For information on where the Jacksons might be racing this weekend, check their web site and join Dennis, Janet, Rusty and Drew as they travel up and down the east coast of America living authentic and large lives.  You won't have to ask for a Crown Cola; Dennis will have one ready for you.